Key Accomplishments:
o The adoption of the Marshall Island Red Cross Act by parliament heralded the formation of a new Red Cross National Society.
o With the establishment of a sub-regional office in the northern Pacific, the regional office is now better placed to provide closer more tailored support to national societies in Palau, FSM and RMI.
o Completion of the Pacific Governance Enhancement Programme formative evaluation and endorsement from all Pacific members to continue the programme.
o Ongoing management of the Marshall Islands Drought Recovery Operation. o Seven national societies received technical support for their disaster preparedness activities and five national societies received support for emergency response operations.
o Ongoing support to Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, FSM, Cook Islands, Tuvalu, PNG and Fiji Red Cross branch development and community resilience programmes.
o Initiated discussions with SPREP on a potential 14 country partnership focused on the development of more user friendly climate and weather information for communities.
o Finalization of the Pacific Red Cross advocacy guide and position papers on climate change, disaster law and the auxiliary role of national societies.
o Finalisation of the legal review of DRR/Climate Change laws in the Cook Islands.