Period covered by this Ops Update: 19 June to 30 August 2013
Appeal target (current): CHF 803,347.
Appeal coverage: 13 per cent
Appeal history:
This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 19 June 2013 for CHF 803,347; cash, in-kind, or services to support the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) to assist 3,409 drought-affected beneficiaries across six atolls/islands of the 15 affected for a period of six months.
To accommodate for the changing situation and the current available funding the operational budget (based on the current funding status) has been adjusted, with further revisions to the Emergency Appeal budget likely, following the completion of the detailed assessment process and subject to additional funding.
While the overall target population and the majority of activities remain the same, some operational and staffing adjustments have been made. Consequently the current operational plan and budget is prioritizing the needs of 1,529 beneficiaries in three atolls for up to six months, with the needs of an additional 1,880 beneficiaries in a further three atolls addressed if further funding is available.
The International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies would like to express its sincere thanks to the following partners who have made a contribution to this Emergency Appeal: DG-ECHO, New Zealand Red Cross, Red Cross Society of China, Japanese Red Cross and Red Cross of Monaco.